And the rising sun shall rise yet higher, destroying with its flaming fire the evil will of the wicked West, but smiling warmly on the rest.
Anthony Burgess
English translation of the Koran. I wonder how, with such a repetitive farrago of platitudes, expressing so self-evident a theology and an ethic so puerile, Islam can have spread as it has.
Anthony Burgess
...a victim of bad medicine, bad air, bad food, farcical education, a despicable popular culture.
Anthony Burgess
If Shakespeare required a word and had not met it in civilised discourse, he unhesitatingly made it up.
Anthony Burgess
slang the home-made language of the ruled, not the rulers, the acted upon, the used, the used up. It is demotic poetry emerging in flashes of ironic insight.
Anthony Burgess
Any kind of discourse which has a flavour of the British ruling class, so powerful is ancestral memory, must be strenuously avoided.
Anthony Burgess
It is generally felt that the educated man or woman should be able to read Dante, Goethe, Baudelaire, Lorca in the original - with, anyway, the crutch of a translation.
Anthony Burgess
The great gift of the southern lands to our civilisation is the simple right to sit at an outside cafe table and look at things.
Anthony Burgess
The church stands that it may be battered, but the fists that batter know their own impotence.
Anthony Burgess
Oh, love, love, love - Love on a hilltop high, Love against a cloudless sky, Love where the scene is Painted by a million stars, Love with martinis In the cabarets and bars. Oh, love, love, love...
Anthony Burgess
a man who sold meat but knew nothing of the poetry of the slaughterhouse. Ted Arden was no ice-cream butcher.
Anthony Burgess