We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world - we need to make them accessible to every American.
Barbara Levy Boxer
When service members are discharged, we should express our gratitude for their profound personal sacrifice, not hand them a bill for their hospital food.
Barbara Levy Boxer
We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice.
Barbara Levy Boxer
We are all different. Yet we are all God's children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom, justice, fairness, and equality. That is what unites us.
Barbara Levy Boxer
Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions.
Barbara Levy Boxer
I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream, for the environment, for privacy rights, a woman's right to choose, a good public education system.
Barbara Levy Boxer
To win the cause we all believe in, the spread of true democracy all over the world, we need to win by example, not just with speeches but by example; not just with military might but by gaining the respect of the world.
Barbara Levy Boxer
In the early stages of a pregnancy, the Government cannot intervene with a woman's right to choose. That is it, plain and simple. Guess what. We are not going to be big brother or sister, as the case may be. We are going to allow a woman, her doctor, and her God to make that decision.
Barbara Levy Boxer
I would not run for president. I really like what I'm doing now. People say I'm giving them energy and hope.
Barbara Levy Boxer
I was a stock broker once. I think there is an absolute place for market investments. But they should never be the basis of one's retirement. They should be an additional piece on top of a basic, secure, guaranteed retirement benefit.
Barbara Levy Boxer
I hope every woman in this country, whether they agree with Roe or they disagree with Roe, whether they themselves would make one decision or another, will come together and say: Pro-choice means that the Government respects the individual, and isn't that really what our country is all about?
Barbara Levy Boxer
Even if I have to stand alone, I will not be afraid to stand alone. I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to fight for what's right. I'm going to fight to hold people accountable.
Barbara Levy Boxer
You know, I wish the world well. I want Iraq to have democracy and the Haitians to have democracy. I want the people of Afghanistan to thrive. Lord knows, we spend enough money there to help them. What about people at home? Isn't that our first responsibility?
Barbara Levy Boxer
You can count on Social Security, and with every fiber of my being, I will make sure it is there not only for my generation, but for my children's generation and for my grandchild's generation.
Barbara Levy Boxer