Wine and wenches empty mens purses. English Proverb
Wine and wenches empty mens purses.
Do not dig your grave with your own knife and fork. English Proverb
Do not dig your grave with your own knife and fork.
Don\'t dig your grave with your own knife and fork. English Proverb
Don\'t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.
Time and thinking tame the strongest grief. English proverb
Time and thinking tame the strongest grief.
Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them. English proverb
Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them.
Don't fall before you're pushed. English Proverb
Don't fall before you're pushed.
In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; In time of adversity not one in twenty English Proverb
In time of prosperity friends will be plenty; In time of adversity not one in twenty
A hero is a man who is afraid to run away. English Proverb
A hero is a man who is afraid to run away.
Children are poor men's riches English Proverb
Children are poor men's riches
A good beginning makes a good end. English proverb
A good beginning makes a good end.
Six hours for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool. English proverb
Six hours for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.
After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. English Proverb
After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.