It required a lot less energy, intelligence, and competence to run against government than to try to make government work.
Joseph Robinette
A better man might have handled the situation with more grace than I did. A better man would have been able to separate his personal life from his career.
Joseph Robinette
Just because our political heroes were murdered does not mean that the dream does not still live, buried deep in our broken hearts.
Joseph Robinette
For the world to follow, we must do more than rattle our sabers and demand allegienace to our vision simply because we believe we are right. We must provide a reason for others to aspire to that vision. And that reason must come with more than the repetition of a bumper-sticker phrase about freedom and democracy. It must come with more than the restatement of failed policy. It must come with the wisdom to admit when we are wrong and resolve to change course and get it right.
Joseph Robinette
It was that hard; I still feel that way. But I believe that President Bush failed to lead. History will judge him harshly not for the mistakes he made- we all make mistakes- but for the opportunities he squandered.
Joseph Robinette
Given Iraq's strategic location, its large oil reserves, and the suffering of the Iraqi people, we cannot afford to replace a despot with chaos. It would be a tragedy if we removed a tyrant in Iraq only to leave chaos in its wake.
Joseph Robinette
I learned later that the surgeon who put Dole back together after he was so badly injured in World War II was an Armenian whose family had deep memories of the genocidal campaign the Turks had waged against them.
Joseph Robinette
There is never a time when a president can act to stop a tragedy from occurring without being held politically accountable one way or the other. If he does it and fails, he's wrong. If he does it and succeeds, he was never right because it didn't happen. If we go in and stop an act of genocide, we can't prove what we stopped.
Joseph Robinette
My own father had always said the measure of a man wasn't how many times or how hard he got knocked down, but how fast he got back up.
Joseph Robinette
I believe all Americans are born with certain inalienable rights. As a child of God, I believe my rights are not derived from the Constitution. My rights are not derived from any government. My rights are not denied by any majority. My rights are because I exist. They were given to me and each of my fellow citizens by our creator, and they represent the essence of human dignity....
Joseph Robinette
I, too, believe there are natural rights that predate any written political or legal documents; we have these rights merely because we're children of God.
Joseph Robinette
No matter how well intended our country is, we cannot expect other nations to trust us as much as we trust ourselves.
Joseph Robinette
A convicted felon who had strong family ties, a stake in the community, and an education might get probation, while a man who had few family ties, little stake in the community, and little education might draw a ten-year sentence for the same crime.
Joseph Robinette