No, we never die for long, While we've got that little life To live for, where it's hid inside.
Kate Bush
Artists shouldn't be made famous. You know... they're just ... as important as... um doctors, and priests ... or maybe not as important sometimes, and yet they have this huge aura of almost god-like quality about them, just because their craft makes a lot of money. And at the same time it is a forced importance you know, football stars and theatre stars It is man-made so the press can feed off it.
Kate Bush
There's someone who's loved you forever but you don't know it. You might feel it and just not show it.
Kate Bush
Stepping out, off the page, into the sensual world. And then our arrows of desire rewrite the speech...
Kate Bush
I no longer see a future. I've been told when I get older That I'll understand It all. But I'm not sure if I want to.
Kate Bush
The more I think about sex, the better it gets. Here we have a purpose in life: Good for the blood circulation, Good for releasing the tension, The root of our reincarnations.
Kate Bush