The single greatest test of Life is this: How much are you willing to struggle -- to spend time, energy, and effort -- to reach a desired outcome?
Laura Teresa Marquez
If you love someone dearly, your love will grow as you practice looking through that person's eyes as much as into that person's eyes.
Laura Teresa Marquez
Love happens. Yet, Romance, like any skill, improves with practice. So, practice, practice, practice!
Laura Teresa Marquez
My life is -- as if each person I know was born with a beautiful book with golden edges on each page -- and each of us can read the language of our own book -- containing our own unique values, ideas, insights and direction, yet we cannot read the language of anyone else's book, and they cannot read our book. And, then, you and I started talking and I discovered that while the words in your book are different from mine, the language of your book is exactly the same as mine -- and words flow and flow between us without effort. Then, I looked closer in my book and I saw beautiful, happy pictures of you and your family...and I smiled
Laura Teresa Marquez
If you can live by the best inside yourself, the worst outside yourself will crumble at your feet.
Laura Teresa Marquez
Have you noticed that weak people are the ones who delight to show you how weak you are, while, at the same time, strong people are the ones who delight to show you how strong you are?
Laura Teresa Marquez
Bless the upward hearts who find all war, all envy, and all regret to be unacceptable, especially inside themselves.
Laura Teresa Marquez
Arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life -- for weak people who cannot keep their balance without them.
Laura Teresa Marquez
Arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life, for weak people who cannot keep their balance without them.
Laura Teresa Marquez
If life is a path, we are barefoot and we each scatter before us the contents of two bags hanging from our shoulders. From the first bag -- sharp nails of worry, fear, regret and doubt, or from the second bag -- rose petals of hope, joy, friendship and confidence. If life is a path...we are the masters of that path.
Laura Teresa Marquez