Guilt is the source of sorrow, 'tis the fiend,Th' avenging fiend, that follows us behindWith whips and stings.
Nicholas Rowe
Guilt is the source of sorrows, the avenging fiend that follows us behind with whips and stings.
Nicholas Rowe
Guilt is the source of sorrow; 'tis the fiend, The avenging fiend, that follows us behind With whips and stings.
Nicholas Rowe
Guilt is the source of sorrows, the avenging fiend that follows us behind with whips and stings.
Nicholas Rowe
The memory is a treasurer to whom we must give funds, if we would draw the assistance we need.
Nicholas Rowe
Guilt is the source of sorrow, 'tis the fiend, Th' avenging fiend, that follows us behind, With whips and stings
Nicholas Rowe