One of the greatest satisfactions in life comes from getting things done and knowing you have done them to the best of your ability.
Robert W. Bly
Many people boast of going years without a vacation. But this is a sign of trouble not commitment.
Robert W. Bly
The successful managers know that the best way for their people to learn and grow is through experience and that means taking chances and making errors.
Robert W. Bly
Be aware that you may not be the best judge of what your employees need to do their jobs effectively. Even if you've done the job yourself, someone else may work best with a different set of tools, or in a different setup, because each person is different.
Robert W. Bly
In my opinion two is the ideal team. Any more and you're in danger of ending up with a committee that spins its wheels and accomplishes nothing.
Robert W. Bly
You can't literally cram a 25th hour into a 24-hour day. But you can shift activities and priorities so more time is available for essential tasks.
Robert W. Bly