What the proprietorship of these papers is aiming at is power, and power without responsibility the prerogative of the harlot through the ages.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
I knew that I had been chosen as God's instrument for the work of the healing of the nation.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
In none of these countries [Russia, Italy and Germany] was it possible to make to the people such an appeal as went home to the heart of our people, an appeal based on Christianity or ethics ... The whole outlook in the dictator countries was so completely different from ours that for a long time people here could not understand how it was possible for these nations not to respond to the same kind of appeal as that to which our people responded. But they were beginning to realise it now...The only argument which appealed to the dictators was that of force.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
We none of us know what is going on in that strange man's mind. We all know the German desire as he has come out with in his book [Mein Kampf] to move East, and if he moves East, I shall not break my heart, but that is another thing. I do not believe he wants to move West, because West would be a very difficult programme for him ... If there is any fighting in Europe to be done, I should like to see the Bolsheviks and Nazis doing it.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
True to our traditions, we have avoided all extremes. We have steered clear of fascism, communism, dictatorship, and we have shown the world that democratic government, constitutional methods and ordered liberty are not inconsistent with progress and prosperity.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Do not fear or misunderstand when the Government say they are looking to our defences. I give you my word that there will be no great armaments.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Whatever failures may have come to parliamentary government in countries which have not those traditions, and where it is not a natural growth, that is no proof that parliamentary government has failed.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
"Magna Carta is the Law: Let the King look out." So it has always been with tyrants among our own people: when the King was tyrant, let him look out. And it has always been the same, and will be the same, whether the tyrant be the Barons, whether the tyrant be the Church, whether he be demagogue or dictator let them look out.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
I should like to make an observation to right honourable and honourable Gentlemen opposite. It is that I do not think they will help to produce the atmosphere in Europe which is so desirable by issuing papers that have been issued by the National Council of Labour, headed 'Hit Hitler'.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
There is no country ... where there are not somewhere lovers of freedom who look to this country to carry the torch and keep it burning bright until such time as they may again be able to light their extinguished torches at our flame. We owe it not only to our own people but to the world to preserve our soul for that.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
It is not the case that Germany is rapidly approaching equality with us. Her real strength is not fifty per cent. of our strength in Europe to-day.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
The greatest crime to our own people is to be afraid to tell the truth ... the old frontiers are gone. When you think of the defence of England you no longer think of the chalk cliffs of Dover; you think of the Rhine. That is where it lies.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
This country to-day [is] the last stronghold of freedom, standing like a rock in a tide that is threatened to submerge the world.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
I think it well ... for the man in the street to realise that there is no power on earth that can protect him from being bombed. Whatever people may tell him, the bomber will always get through. The only defence is offence, which means that you will have to kill women and children more quickly than the enemy if you want to save yourselves.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Tom Mosley is a cad and a wrong 'un and they will find it out.
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley