Susan Jeffers Quotes

Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Dont make yourself a victim of yourself!

Susan Jeffers

I know Iíll handle it. I have nothing to worry about

Susan Jeffers

It is reported that more than 90% of what we worry about never happens. That means that our negative worries have less than a 10% chance of being correct. If this is so, isnít being positive more realistic than being negative? Think about your own life. Iíll wager that most of what you worry about never happens. So are you being realistic when you worry all the time? No!

Susan Jeffers

No wonder you feel fearfulvictims are powerless!

Susan Jeffers

I know Iíll handle it. I have nothing to worry about

Susan Jeffers

If we do not consciously and consistently focus on the spiritual part of ourselves, we will never experience the kind of joy, satisfaction, safety, and connectedness we are all seeking.

Susan Jeffers

Are you a victim, or are you taking responsibility for your life?

Susan Jeffers
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