I know that a life has high value, but our rights, our independence,our honour have a higher value than life.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Politics is not a matter of ruling over the people or of exercising power. Politics is performance of service to people, contributing to the welfare of the people.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
In all liberation struggles it is the common people who bathe in the fire of oppression.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
The victory of a war is not determined by the size of an army or the quality of armaments. Factors like unshakable determination, heroism, and desire for liberation determine victory.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Whatever reforms are carried out in the economy, without deep going changes in men’s mentality – in their opinion about femininity – women’s equality may not be possible.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
An ethnic community that rebels for independence must stand on its own feet in economic life. It is a truism that only such an ethnic community can enjoy independence.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Works of art and literature should promote humans to reflection. A revolutionary perspective should be evoked and a changing societal awakening formulated in the human mind mired in tradition, myth and many kinds of falsehoods. They demand a form of changing social awakening.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Before words must always be deeds. By deeds alone we have got our influence. Deeds alone give a political form to our activities.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Only in return for death, destruction and grief as gifts can we see the paradise of independence.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Only one who liberates himself from his psychological desires and fears indeed in truth qualify as liberation hero.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
Through the intensive aspiration of the human soul arises in man the desire for independence.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
If one is determined to die for the truth, even a common man can create history.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran
All human suffering springs from unbridled desire. Unless one extricates oneself from the clutch of greed, one will not free himself from the fetters of sorrow.
Vellupillai Pirapakaran