You know in America it's "bling, bling", but out here it's "bling, bang".
Danny Archer
I am using him and you are using me and this is how it works.
Danny Archer
The only reason you're still alive is because you haven't told anyone where it is.
Danny Archer
That diamond is my ticket out of this... godforsaken continent.
Danny Archer
Sometimes I wonder if God will ever forgive us for what we've done to each other...Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago.
Danny Archer
When's the last time the world wasn't falling apart?
Danny Archer
Who do you think buys the stones I bring out, dreamy American girls who want a story book wedding and a big shiny rock. It's like the ones they see in the advertisements in your politically correct magazines, so please, don't come here and make judgements on me, alright. I provide a service, the world wants what we have, and they want it cheap. We're in business together, get over yourself, darling.
Danny Archer
So what are you... a smuggler?
Maddy Bowen
Are you going to take his diamond?
Maddy Bowen
This is my country, man. We here long 'fore you came.. long after you're gone.
I will find you... if it takes my life.
Solomon Vandy
Young man, young man, you must understand! The government wants you to vote, oke? They say 'The future is in your hands!'... We are the future, so we take your hands! No more hands, no more voting!
Captain Poison
You think I am a devil. But only because I have lived in hell. I want to get out.
Captain Poison