Quotes from the Movie Flubber

Well, I just got tired of you stealing my ideas, Wilson.

Professor Philip (Phil) Brainard

Well, I think you'll be sadly disappointed.

Professor Philip (Phil) Brainard

This definitely has applications in the field of sports. Ho, ho, ho! Yes!

Professor Philip (Phil) Brainard

How do you hold in it?

Martha George

I was talking about your excitement.

Martha George

I was talking about your excitement.

Martha George

Maybe you should just go without me.

Martha George

Because I get car sick.

Martha George

I'm all ears.

Martha George

Um, Professor? Why the long face?

Martha George

Maybe a Sara issue?

Martha George

What happened between us, Phil?

Wilson Croft

I'm not an innovator like you, Phil. I'm an adapter, and to that end, I have profited from your ideas.

Wilson Croft

Well, to be honest. I'm here this weekend to steal your fiance. And make her my wife.

Wilson Croft

All right. One more time, what happened?

Chester Hoenicker

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