Quotes from the Movie Gattaca

Just remember that I was as good as any, and better than most. I could have gone up and back, and nobody woulda been the wiser.

Vincent Freeman

For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.

Vincent Freeman

I took my mind off the pain by reminding myself that when I eventually did stand up, I'd be exactly two inches closer to the stars.

Vincent Freeman

There is still a few million miles left to go.

Vincent Freeman

What makes you think that you can be me at all?

Jerome Eugene Morrow

I'm proud of you, Vincent.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

If at first you don't succeed... try, try again.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

You can't quit on me now - I've put too much into this.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

I'm going travelling, too.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

You still don't understand, do you? When they look at you, they don't see you any more, they only see me.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

We have to get drunk immediately.

Jerome Eugene Morrow

Son, the only time you're going to see the inside of a space shuttle is if you're cleaning it.

Antonio Freeman

No, not Anton. Name him Vincent.

Antonio Freeman

I know he'll do something. You'll do something.

Marie Freeman
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