Quotes from the Movie Old School

True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend...

Mitch Martin

Six weeks ago Abdul here had a one way ticket to an arranged marriage with a broad he never met in Bangladesh. Now he's crushing ass every Thursday night at our mixers.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

You think I like avoiding my wife and kids to hang out with nineteen year old girls everyday?

Bernard Beanie Campbell

He's playing hardball. And I got to admit. I'm impressed.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Guys this is a very special occasion. The Godfather himself has decided to grace us with his presence. This is his damn house. He sleeps twenty feet away.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Don't say sorry to me. You let down Frank. You let down me. Most importantly you let down Max. And right about now I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why I take time out of my schedule to help you get over... Max can you earmuff it for me? That whore you dated.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

That party that we had last night has given us a lot of street cred.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

What about Mitch here? He saw the wheels come off his life, guys. His whole world crumbled. Now he's the Godfather.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Don't beat yourself up over this, Mitch. It's not your fault. Dammit, Blue was old. That's what old people do. They die.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Good luck to everybody. Nice to know you all and I'll see you around campus.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Mitch is a laywer, buddy. He'll find a way out for us.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

You're the lady, Marissa. High five.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

No. That's a piece of crap. What? We stopped selling that six months ago. Lotta Complaints, nice gesture though, i think.

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Still holding! STILL HOLDING!

Bernard Beanie Campbell

Columbus wasnít exactly looking for America, but that seemed to work for everyone.

Bernard Beanie Campbell
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