Acting childish Quotes

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

Henry Ward Beecher

Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts.

Joseph Stalin

Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of his conscience, thus helping to bring the collective conscience to life

Norman Cousins

Acting is a matter of giving away secrets.

Ellen Barkin

There's nothing more boring than actors talking about acting.

James Caan

Acting is the most minor of gifts. After all, Shirley Temple could do it when she was four.

Katharine Hepburn

Acting is a nice childish profession - pretending you're someone else and, at the same time, selling yourself.

Katharine Hepburn

Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts. Whenever we want something from somebody or when we want to hide something or pretend, we\'re acting. Most people do it all day long.

Marlon Brando

Acting is the perfect idiot's profession.

Katharine Hepburn

Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life. The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis.

Marlon Brando

Acting is nothing more or less than playing. The idea is to humanize life.

Jeff Goldblum

Liberty, then, is the sovereignty of the individual, and never shall man know liberty until each and every individual is acknowledged to be the only legitimate sovereign of his or her person, time, and property, each living and acting at his own cost

Josiah Warren

The essence of intelligence is skill in extracting meaning from everyday experience.


No passion so effectually robs the mond of all its poers of acting and reasoning as fear.

Edmund Burke

It gives us a very, very bad name, not just internationally. I have a great deal of difficulty understanding how we can hold someone, pick someone up, particularly someone who might be an American citizen--even if they were caught somewhere abroad--acting against American interests, and hold them without ever giving them an opportunity to appear before a magistrate.

James A. Baker III
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