Anger Quotes

The dismissal of our anger as a racial minority is worse than any slur or epithet because it undermines our ability to react to it.

Moran Margaret Cho

Gossip and anger are like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.


Anger so clouds the mind, that it cannot perceive the truth.

Marcus Porcius Cato

Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words.

Joyce Brothers

The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.

Barbara De Angelis

But truth is not spoken in anger. Truth is spoken, if it ever comes to be spoken, in love.

John Maxwell Coetzee

In anger nothing right nor judicious can be done.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Even though I'm a tranquil guy now at this stage of my life, I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the identity of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.

George Herbert Walker Bush

There's a sort of rage a man feels when he's been deceived where he most trusted. It compares to no other anger.

Orson Scott Card

Every other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of an excuse; envy alone wants both. Other sins last but for awhile; the gut may be satisfied, anger remits, hatred hath an end, envy never ceaseth.

Robert Burton

This damnable sex, boys - ah, you do well to writhe in your beds at the very mention of the word. All the evil of our modern times springs from unholy lust, the act of the dog and the bitch on the bouncing bed, limbs going like traction engines, the divine gift of articulate speech diminished to squeals and groans and pantings. It is terrible, terrible, an abomination before God and His Holy Mother. Lust is the fount of all other of the deadly sins, leading to pride of the flesh, covetousness of the flesh, anger in the thwarting of desire, gluttony to feed the spent body to be at it again, envy of the sexual prowess and sexual success of others, sloth to admit enervating day-dreams of lust. Only in the married state, by Gods holy grace, is it sanctified, for then it becomes the means of begetting fresh souls for the peopling of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Anthony Burgess

The greatest remedy for anger is delay.


I closed my eyes, put blinders on, and ignored what was too painful to think about. I tried to view my troubles less seriously, and worry less. I tried to curb my temper. Things said in embarrassment and anger are seldom the truth, but are said to hurt and wound the other person. Once said, they can never be taken back.

Lucille Dsire Ball

The most effective moments in the theatre are those that appeal to basic and commonplace emotions--love of woman, love of home, love of country, love of right, anger, jealousy, revenge, ambition, lust, and treachery.


He had never disagreed with anyone in his life, no matter how unfairly they may have treated him. He preferred to swallow his tears, suppress his anger and bitterness; he would bear anything rather than oppose a person directly. Nor did it ever occur to him to wonder whether this forbearance might not be harmful to others.

Li Yaotang
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