Balance Quotes

Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle.

Helen Keller

And if you cannot remain indifferent, you must resolve to throw your weight into that balance in which the fate and condition of man is weighed.

Lajos Kossuth†

When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves that he isn't a man of action. Action is a lack of balance. In order to act you must be somewhat insane. A reasonably sensible man is satisfied with thinking.

Georges Clemenceau

The balance of private good and general welfare is at the bottom of civilized morals; but the morals of the Heroic Age are founded on individuality, and on nothing else.

Lascelles Abercrombie

I had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or to any other. I may credit the seductive influence of an old vintage upon the narrator for the beginning of it, and my own skeptical incredulity during the days that followed for the balance of the strange tale.

Edgar Rice Burroughs

We are all dietetic sinners; only a small percent of what we eat nourishes us; the balance goes to waste and loss of energy.

William Osler

The sanity of society is a balance of a thousand insanities.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

No acquisitions of guilt can compensate the loss of that solid inward comfort of mind, which is the sure companion of innocence and virtue; nor can in the least balance the evil of that horror and anxiety which, in their room, guilt introduces into our bosoms.

Henry Fielding

Arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life -- for weak people who cannot keep their balance without them.

Laura Teresa Marquez

I be getting high just to balance out the lows.


By the time one is eighty, it is said, there is no longer a tug of war in the garden with the May flowers hauling like mad against the claims of the other months. All is at last in balance and all is serene. The gardener is usually dead, of course.

Henry Mitchell

Unfortunately, the balance of nature decrees that a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares.

Peter Ustinov

Man always travels along precipices. His truest obligation is to keep his balance.

Jose Ortega Gasset

To create a vision of the harmony of the unequal, balance the infinite variety, the chaotic, the contradictions ñ in a unity.

Hans Richter

A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your step as you walk the tightrope of life.

William Arthur Ward
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