Bed Quotes

Better to go to bed hungry than to wake up in debt.


This damnable sex, boys - ah, you do well to writhe in your beds at the very mention of the word. All the evil of our modern times springs from unholy lust, the act of the dog and the bitch on the bouncing bed, limbs going like traction engines, the divine gift of articulate speech diminished to squeals and groans and pantings. It is terrible, terrible, an abomination before God and His Holy Mother. Lust is the fount of all other of the deadly sins, leading to pride of the flesh, covetousness of the flesh, anger in the thwarting of desire, gluttony to feed the spent body to be at it again, envy of the sexual prowess and sexual success of others, sloth to admit enervating day-dreams of lust. Only in the married state, by Gods holy grace, is it sanctified, for then it becomes the means of begetting fresh souls for the peopling of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Anthony Burgess

Any coward can sit at home and criticize a pilot for flying into a mountain in a fog. But I would rather by far die on a mountainside than in bed.

Charles Lindbergh

Friends will keep you sane, Love could fill your heart, A lover can warm your bed, But lonely is the soul without a mate.

David Pratt

Misery acquaints a man with strange bed-fellows.

William Shakespeare

There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting of every cigar, the drinking of every cup, the time of rising and going to bed every day, and the beginning of every bit of work, are subjects of express volitional deliberation.

William James

And here I am, dying in my bed, like cattle die. May the eyes of cowards never sleep.

al-Walid, Khalid ibn

It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins.

Chinese Proverb

Rather go to bed with out dinner than to rise in debt.

Benjamin Franklin

I am many things. I can be quite mad, and young, but I`m not the kind of person who goes out to nightclubs and goes crazy. I am more like lying on my bed and listening to classical music to relax.

Eva Green

You will not be carried to Heaven lying at ease upon a feather bed.

Samuel Rutherford

Sophistication might be described as the ability to cope gracefully with a situation involving the presence of a formidable menace to one's poise and prestige (such as the butler, or the man under the bed -- but never the husband).

James Thurber

Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed.

Mason Cooley

A revolution is not a bed of roses.

Fidel Castro

I know what is love. Love is man and woman in bed.

Anthony Burgess
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