Born Quotes

Before I was born my mother was in great agony of spirit and in a tragic situation. She could take no food except iced oysters and champagne. If people ask me when I began to dance, I reply In my mothers womb, probably as a result of the oysters and Champagne.

Isadora Duncan

I wanted to show how a man of sensitive and noble character, born for religion, comes to throw off the orthodoxies of his day and moment, and to go out into the wilderness where all is experiment, and spiritual life begins again.

Mary A. Ward

All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through LUXURY of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A career is born in public - talent in privacy.

Marilyn Monroe

A baby is born into this world in a state of fear. Total paranoia and awareness. He sees the world with eyes not used yet. As he grows up, his parents lay all this stuff on him. They tell him, when they should be letting him tell them. Let the children lead you.

Charles Manson

The mania for giving the Government power to meddle with the private affairs of cities or citizens is likely to cause endless trouble, through the rivalry of schools and creeds that are anxious to obtain official recognition, and there is great danger that our people will lose our independence of thought and action which is the cause of much of our greatness, and sink into the helplessness of the Frenchman or German who expects his government to feed him when hungry, clothe him when naked, to prescribe when his child may be born and when he may die, and, in time, to regulate every act of humanity from the cradle to the tomb, including the manner in which he may seek future admission to paradise

Mark Twain

Ideas should be neutral. But man animates them with his passions and folly. Impure and turned into beliefs, they take on the appearance of reality. The passage from logic is consummated. Thus are born ideologies, doctrines, and bloody farce.

Emil Cioran

Oh, dainty and delicious! Food for the gods! Ambrosia for Apicius! Worthy to thrill the soul of sea-born Venus, Or titillate the palate of Silenus!

William Augustus Croffut

Children of a culture born in a water-rich environment, we have never really learned how important water is to us. We understand it, but we do not respect it


However boldly their warm blood was spilt, Their life was shame, their epitaph was guilt; And this they knew and felt, at least the one, The leader of the hand he had undone,-- Who, born for better things, had madly set His life upon a cast, which linger'd yet.

Lord Byron

The important thing is to get yourself born. Youre entitled to that. But youre not entitled to life. Because if you were entitled to life, then the life would have to be quantified. How many years? Seventy? Sixty? Shakespeare was dead at fifty-two. Keats was dead at twenty-six. Thomas Chatterton at seventeen.

Anthony Burgess

Look a'here, some people say we got a lot of malice Some say it's a lotta nerve I say we won't quit moving Til we get what we deserve. We've been 'buked and we've been scourned We've been treated bad, talked about As just as sure as you're born But just as sure as it take Two eyes to make a pair, huh Brother, we can't quit until we get our share. Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.

James Joseph Brown

Get up, Get on up. Stay on the scene. Get on up, Like a Sex Machine. Get on up, Get up. Shake your arm, Then use your form. Stay on the scene, like a Sex Machine. You gotta have the feeling, Sure as you're born.

James Joseph Brown

You will learn nothing of importance from this story except, perhaps, how to die; but then, you were born knowing that and in any case it only has to be done once. It is easy: ask anyone who has done it.

Cyril Emmanuel George Bonfiglioli

Loyalty ... is a realization that America was born of revolt, flourished in dissent, became great through experimentation.

Henry S. Commager
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