Broken Quotes

The law cannot forgive, for the law has not been wronged, only broken; only persons can be wronged. The law can pardon, but it can only pardon what it has the power to punish.

Wystan Hugh Auden

Do not be too hard, lest you be broken; do not be too soft, lest you be squeezed.

Ali bin Abu-Talib

\\\"Without love, we are birds with broken wings.\\\"

Albom, Mitch

Promises and pie crusts are made to be broken.

Jonathan Swift

Love is a promise delivered already broken.

Steve Martin

Better a broken promise than none at all.

Mark Twain

The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.

Niccolò Machiavelli

On the whole, "organic" illnesses of the body are viewed as a misfortune over which the victim has little control. Not so for "mental" illnesses. These diseases of the mind become diseases of the "self." We (our "selves") can distance ourselves from our "bodily" illnesses: "my leg is broken" or "my heart is failing." But, because of mind-body dualism, our mind is our self. "My mind is sick" is not differentiated psychologically from "I am sick." We cannot distance ourselves, take a detached view of our minds: we are our minds. When a disease affects brain function, the afflicted person and those around him feel that the "self" must be somehow in control of the disorder of "self."

Jean M. Goodwin

If we divine a discrepancy between a man's words and his character, the whole impression of him becomes broken and painful; he revolts the imagination by his lack of unity, and even the good in him is hardly accepted.

Charles Horton Cooley

The bow too tensely strung is easily broken.

Publius Syrus

Butterflies, they are like dream flowers, childhood dreams, which have broken loose from their stalks and escaped into the sunshine. Air and angels.

Miriam Rothschild

Truth always originates in a minority of one, and every custom begins as a broken precedent.

Nancy Astor

A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship, as experience shows that the callosity formed around a broken bone makes it stronger than before.

St. Francis de Sales

To you liberals, of course, goats are just sheep from broken homes.

Sir Malcolm Stanley Bradbury

Congratulate yourselves if you have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of a decorous age.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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