Change Quotes

It is by a wise economy of nature that those who suffer without change, and whom no one can help, become uninteresting. Yet so it may happen that those who need sympathy the most often attract it the least.

Francis Herbert Bradley

In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.

Eric Hoffer

See these eyes so red Red like jungle burning bright Those who feel me near Pull the blinds and change their minds.

David Robert Jones

Constancy... that small change of love, which people exact so rigidly, receive in such counterfeit coin, and repay in baser metal.

Lord Bryon

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.

Michael Jordan

Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change.

Marquis De Sade

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.

Charles Galton Darwin

Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.

Albert Einstein

A conception not reducible to the small change of daily experience is like a currency not exchangeable for articles of consumption; it is not a symbol, but a fraud.

George Santayana

Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen no occasion to change.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Perfection is immutable. But for things imperfect, change is the way to perfect them.

Owen Felltham

There are two different uses for a zone. Surprise and change or simplicity and execution. We use it for surpr

Sean Williamson

The Gnostics were the earliest Christians with anything like a regular theological system, and it is only too evident that it was Jesus who was made to fit their theology as Christos, and not their theology that was developed out of his sayings and doings. Their ancestors had maintained, before the Christian era, that the Great Serpent Jupiter, the Dragon of Life, the Father and "Good Divinity," had glided into the couch of Semele, and now, the post-Christian Gnostics, with a very trifling change, applied the same fable to the man Jesus, and asserted that the same "Good Divinity," Saturn (Ilda-Baoth), had, in the shape of the Dragon of Life, glided over the cradle of the infant Mary.

Helena Petrovna Hahn

Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats. We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can't afford the risk of inaction.

Rupert Murdoch

If you think mitigated climate change is expensive, try unmitigated climate change

Dr. Richard Gammon
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