Confidence Quotes

Though confidence is very fine, and makes the future sunny; I want no confidence for mine, I'd rather have the money


Go on - but don't think you can kill my confidence. I've had experts doing it for years.

John Osborne

Whoever puts his confidence in men or in any creature is very foolish.

Thomas Kempis

Nothing's so apt to undermine your confidence in a product as knowing that the commercial selling it has been approved by the company that makes it.

Benjamin Franklin

I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion

Sydney Smith

Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint


In the bottle discontent seeks for comfort, cowardice for courage, and bashfulness for confidence

Samuel Johnson

Confidence is the hinge on the door to success.


Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.

George Herbert

Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence

Joseph Wood Krutch

By mutual confidence and mutual aid - great deeds are done, and great discoveries made


If you don't have confidence, you'll always find a way not to win


People who have given us their complete confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Beauty is grace and confidence. I've learned to accept and appreciate what nature gave me.

Lindsay Lohan

In the middle of a world that had always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence.

Rose F. Kennedy
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