You are the jailer and the jailed, You the impaler and the one that your own Million-fleshed self in dreams by night do hold in thrall and now at noon must kill.

Ray Douglas Bradbury

I have always been amazed at the way an ordinary observer lends so much more credence and attaches so much more importance to waking events than to those occurring in dreams... Man... is above all the plaything of his memory.

Andr Breton

All your thoughts are in another head. Your dreams are sleepin' in a different bed. The force that moves you is a circular breath of life and death going round and round and round.

Edie Brickell

I am but a draper in a room of wool, looking at the patterns, feeling like a fool. I'm going to take my fabric, stretch it to the seams, I want to find what's woven underneath these tailored dreams.

Ralston Bowles

Rather than seeing dreams as containing hidden messages, see dreams as experiences of empathy. Then use empathy with the dream to reconnect with the experience of dreaming itself.

Henry Reed

Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams.

Fyodor Dostoevski

Basketball, hockey and track meets are action heaped upon action, climax upon climax, until the onlooker's responses become deadened. Baseball is for the leisurely afternoons of summer and for the unchanging dreams

Roger Kahn

I don't love baseball. I don't love most of today's players. I don't love the owners. I do love, however, the baseball that is in the heads of baseball fans. I love the dreams of glory of 10-year-olds, the reminiscences of 70-year-olds. The greatest baseball arena is in our heads, what we bring to the games, to the telecasts, to reading newspaper reports.

Stan Isaacs

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate accomplishments

Napolean Hill

Others may doubt us. They may criticize us. They may try to deny us what is rightfully ours. But they will fail. And I promise you, as long as I am mayor, I will never back away from fighting any opponent -- or confronting any obstacle -- that would prevent our people from achieving all of their dreams in Our New York.

Michael Bloomberg

Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together

Edward Abbey

In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.

Abram L. Urban

Gardeners, I think, dream bigger dreams than Emperor's.

Mary Cantwell

Gardeners, I think, dream bigger dreams than Emperor's

Mary Cantwell

And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows

Mark Twain
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