Death Remembrance Quotes

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

Benjamin Franklin

Water is sometimes sharp and sometimes strong, sometimes acid and sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet and sometimes thick or thin, sometimes it is seen bringing hurt or pestilence, sometime health-giving, sometimes poisonous. It suffers change into as many natures as are the different places through which it passes. And as the mirror changes with the colour of its subject, so it alters with the nature of the place, becoming noisome, laxative, astringent, sulfurous, salty, incarnadined, mournful, raging, angry, red, yellow, green, black, blue, greasy, fat or slim. Sometimes it starts a conflagration, sometimes it extinguishes one; is warm and is cold, carries away or sets down, hollows out or builds up, tears or establishes, fills or empties, raises itself or burrows down, speeds or is still; is the cause at times of life or death, or increase or privation, nourishes at times and at others does the contrary; at times has a tang, at times is without savor, sometimes submerging the valleys with great floods. In time and with water, everything changes.

Leonardo da Vinci

A useless life is an early death.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So dear I love him that with him, All deaths I could endure. Without him, live no life.

William Shakespeare

The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death.

Blaise Pascal

He who knows that this body s like froth, and has learnt that it is as unsubstantial as a mirage, will break the flower-pointed arrow of illusion, and never see the king of death.


What seems to be, is, to those to whom it seems to be, and is productive of the most dreadful consequences to those to whom it seems to be, even of torments, despair, eternal death.

William Blake

Nothing in life is promised except death.

Kanye West

Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.

Arthur Koestler

For it is a land of illusion, a place in the mind, a shimmering mirage of riches and mystery and death. These illusions have distorted its landscape and contorted its history

Richard E. Lingenfelter

Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.

James Anthony Froude

The leading cause of death among fashion models is falling through street grates.

Dave Barry

Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.

Leonardo da Vinci

Fill up, fill up, for wisdom cools When ever we let the wine rest. Here is death to Prohibitions fools, And every kind of vine-pest!

Jamrach Holobom

If a lot of people gripped a knife and fork the way they do a golf club, they'd starve to death

Sam Snead
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