Denial Quotes

Self-denial is painful for a moment, but very agreeable in the end.

Jane Taylor

Hope is the denial of reality.

Margaret Weis

Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning.


Football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.

Vince Lombardi

It is in these acts called trivialities that the seeds of joy are forever wasted, until men and women look round with haggard faces at the devastation their own waste has made, and say, the earth bears no harvest of sweetness calling their denial knowledge.

George Eliot

For all his learning or sophistication, man still instinctively reaches towards that force beyond. Only arrogance can deny its existence, and the denial falters in the face of evidence on every hand. In every tuft of grass, in every bird, in every opening bud, there it is.

Hal Borland

Self-denial is not a virtue, it is only the effect of prudence on rascality.

George Bernard Shaw

No society can possibly be built on a denial of individual freedom.


The art of motherhood involves much silent, unobtrusive self-denial, an hourly devotion which finds no detail too minute.

Honore De Balzac

Wonder is not a Pollyanna stance, not a denial of reality; wonder is an acknowledgment of the power of the mind to transform.

Christina Baldwin

Football is like life -- it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.

Vince Lombardi

Fat is a way of saying no to powerlessness and self-denial.

Susie Orbach

All my life as an artist I have asked myself: What pushes me continually to make sculpture? I have found the answer. art is an action against death. It is a denial of death.

Jacques Lipchitz

This new technology provides enhanced denial of service attack coverage. Denial of service is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in the industry, as many customers are receiving extortion-related calls.

Jack Sebbag

The worst education which teaches self-denial, is better than the best which teaches everything else, and not that.

John Sterling
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