Difficulty Quotes

The difficulty is that we try to perfect others before we perfect ourselves

Sri Chinmoy

The great difficulty with politics is, that there are no established principles.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for.


The best way out of a difficulty is through it.

Will Rogers

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Winston Churchill

Of course, the test difficulty depends on what you're doing, and on how you're doing it. I'm constantly asking "How much would I have to screw this up to write an incorrect function that passes these simple tests?" Occasionally the answer is "Not much," so I'll throw the code away and start over. It was probably perfect code, but that's not good enough.

Daniel J. Bernstein

We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling. If you.

John W. Gardner

The tenacity and desire to win which he has worked with since he was a child have carried him to the top in a sporting discipline of enormous difficulty.

Fernando Alonso

The very greatest things -- great thoughts, discoveries, inventions -- have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.

Samuel Smiles

If we wait until our lives are free from sorrow or difficulty, then we wait forever. And miss the entire point.

Dirk Benedic

If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this.

Friedrich August von Hayek

Have the courage to face a difficulty lest it kick you harder than you bargain for.

Stanislaus I

Every difficulty slurred over will be a ghost to disturb your repose later on.

Rabindranath Tagore

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.

Eric Hoffer

Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.

Rene Descartes
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