Eating Disorder Quotes

Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.

Deepak Chopra

Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.

Deepak Chopra

They who are afflicted with it, are seized while they are walking, (more especially if it be up hill, and soon after eating) with a painful and most disagreeable sensation in the breast, which seems as if it would extinguish life, if it were to increase or to continue; but the moment they stand still, all this uneasiness vanishes. . . . In all other respects, patients are, at the beginning of this disorder, perfectly well. . . . Males are most liable to this disease, especially such as have past their fiftieth year.

William Heberden

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I am going to be. I do not have an eating disorder.

Courteney Cox

Gluttons no longer gorge themselves; they are simply suffering from one of a variety of eating disorders

Frank Furedi

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I'm going to be. I don't have an eating disorder.

Courteney Cox
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