Freedom Quotes

The freedom now desired by many is not freedom to do and dare but freedom from care and worry.

James Truslow Adams

Money will not create success, the freedom to make it will.

Nelson Mandela

"Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life. It is made up of divine paradox. To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from oneís mouth. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down."

Clarissa Pinkola EstÈs

I have argued in this book that we are human in good part because of the particular way we affiliate with other organisms. They are the matrix in which the human mind originated and is permanently rooted, and they offer the challenge and freedom innately sought. To the extent that each person can feel like a naturalist, the old excitement of the untrammeled world will be regained. I offer this as a formula of enchantment to invigorate poetry and myth: mysterious and little known organisms live within walking distance of where you sit. Splendor awaits in minute proportions.

Edward O. Wilson

Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self control. Energy within and energy without.

Ymber Delecto

No one can be free who believes freedom is coming.

Guy Finley

Real freedom isn't subject to how others estimate our value; it is in realizing that none are free who find their sense of worth wondering how others measure their lives.

Guy Finley

Freedom isn�t selective; it is either complete, unfettered, and now . . . or it is not freedom.

Guy Finley

You contemplate and you wander without any worries, between heaven and earth, in your own private world, and in this way you acquire supreme freedom.

Gao Xingjian

I don't have labels. I believe in human beings, I believe in a strong national security, I believe in maximizing freedom... I can give you a whole list of things i'm for, but I believe in solving problems. I guess, more than anything else, I'm a pragmatist with strong beliefs in people.

Wesley Kanne Clark

Still the bubbling mind; herein lies freedom and bliss eternal.

Swami Sivananda

Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all.

Garrett James Hardin

I am leaving this legacy to all of you ... to bring peace, justice, equality, love and a fulfillment of what our lives should be. Without vision, the people will perish, and without courage and inspiration, dreams will die-- the dream of freedom and peace.

Rosa Parks

The Greeks... labored under the delusion that their democracy was a guarantee of peace and plenty, not realizing that unrestrained majority rule always destroys freedom, puts the minority at the mercy of the mob, and works at cross-purposes to the effective use of human energy and individual initiative

Henry Grady Weaver

We have plenty of freedom in this country but not a great deal of independence

John W. Raper
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