General Quotes

I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the General Government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit

Grover Cleveland

Nothing so comforts the military mind as the maxim of a great but dead general.

Barbara Tuchman

Homosexuality is a sickness, just as are baby-rape or wanting to become head of General Motors.

Eldridge Cleaver

Again, men in general desire the good, and not merely what their fathers had.


One need not argue a full-blooded materialist position to say that it is capitalism that has given the general character to modern liberal societies. It is capitalist institutions and values--private property, profit-seeking, individualism, consumerism--that color the attitudes and beliefs of the majority of the populations of modern societies.

Krishan Kumar

As to the rout that is made about people who are ruined by extravagance, it is no matter to the nation that some individuals suffer. When so much general productive exertion is the consequence of luxury, the nation does not care though there are debtors; nay, they would not care though their creditors were there too.

Samuel Johnson

Xenophobia is a special case of perfectly general human intellective disposition to literal self-preservation.

Robin May Schott

Engineering is the practice of safe and economic application of the scientific laws governing the forces and materials of nature by means of organization, design and construction, for the general benefit of mankind.

S. E. Lindsay

The best part of every author is in general to be found in his book, I assure you.

Samuel Johnson

“Do not share the knowledge with which you have been blessed with everyone in general, as you do with some people in particular; and know that there are some men in whom Allah, may He he glorified, has placed hidden secrets, which they are forbidden to reveal. Remember the reply of the righteous slave to Moses when he said to him: 'May I follow you so that you can teach me what you know about what is right?' He replied: 'Surely you will not be able to be patient with me. How can you be patient about something which you do not understand?'

Ali ibn Abi Talib

However, it required some years before the scientific community in general accepted that flexibility and disorder are very relevant molecular properties also in other systems.

Robert Huber

It is a general rule of Judgment, that a mischief should rather be admitted than an inconvenience.

William Cowper, 1st Earl Cowper

The Constitution is not a panacea for every blot upon the public welfare. Nor should this Court, ordained as a judicial body, be thought of as a general haven for reform movements.

John Marshall Harlan

The balance of private good and general welfare is at the bottom of civilized morals; but the morals of the Heroic Age are founded on individuality, and on nothing else.

Lascelles Abercrombie

But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.

Friedrich List
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