Gift Quotes

Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle.

Helen Keller

Nothing is less known; nothing more neglected. The forest is a gift of nature which it is sufficient to except just as it calms from her hands.

Georges-Louis Leclerc

I... thanked the Author of my being for the gift of that wild forest, those green mansions where I had found so great a happiness!

William Henry Hudson

Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.

Erma Bombeck

All exchange stimulates productive activity, whether exchange by gift, gambling, barter, or money transaction.

Aaron C. Brown

Any form of card-case, beyond the most battered and unassuming, is surely an aesthetic and social travesty. To withdraw, say, a silver case from the pocket before removing a card is surely to trumpet a ludicrous gaucheness and maladroit pretension. It is impossible for the intended recipient of the card to view the case as anything other than a misjudged piece of peacockery; unfeasible to avoid a brief inner commentary along the lines of oh, hes bought one of those... he decided this would make the act of handing over a card a signal of his success as a businessman and a certain refined elegance as a gentleman... probably picked it out himself... please God it was a Fathers Day gift from a child who knew no better.

Derren Victor Brown

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.

Freeman Dyson

I've always thought tests are a gift. And great tests are a great gift. To fail the test is a misfortune. But to refuse the test is to refuse the gift, and something worse, more irrevocable, than misfortune.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Time is the most precious gift in our possession, for it is the most irrevocable. This is what makes it so disturbing to look back upon the time which we have lost. Time lost is time when we have not lived a full human life, time unenriched by experience, creative endeavor, enjoyment, and suffering. Time lost is time not filled, time left empty.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

You may rejoice to think yourselves secure, You may be grateful for the gift divine, That grace unsought which made your black hearts pure And fits your earthborn souls in Heaven to shine. But is it sweet to look around and view Thousands excluded from that happiness, Which they deserve at least as much as you, Their faults not greater nor their virtues less?

Anne Bront

The gift of life is so precious that we should feel an obligation to pay back the universe for the gift of being alive.

Ray Douglas Bradbury

My Master and my Lord! I long to do some work, some work for Thee; I long to bring some lowly gift of love For all Thy love to me.

Hetty Bowman

The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.

Elizabeth Hardwick

Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.

Albert Camus

Great strength of body is the gift of nature; But to be able to advise whate'er Is most expedient for one's country's good, Is the peculiar work of sense and wisdom.

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