Grammar Quotes

Grammar is a piano I play by ear. All I know about grammar is its power.

Joan Didion

It is well to remember that grammar is common speech formulated.

William Somerset Maugham

Grammar, which knows how to control even kings.


The greater part of the world's troubles are due to questions of grammar

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

Grammar, which can govern even Kings.


I will not go down to posterity talking bad grammar.

Benjamin Disraeli

I dont know the rules of grammar. If youre trying to persuade people to do something or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.

David Ogilvy

Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it aint so; it is the sickening grammar that they use.

Mark Twain

I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it.

Carl Sandburg

Arguments over grammar and style are often as fierce as those over IBM versus Mac, and as fruitless as Coke versus Pepsi and boxers versus briefs.

Jack Lynch

Grammar, perfectly understood, enables us, not only to express our meaning fully and clearly, but so to express it as to enable us to defy the ingenuity of man to give to our words any other meaning than that which we ourselves intend them to express.

William Cobbett

When money talks, nobody notices what grammar it uses.


When a thought takes one's breath away, a lesson in grammar seems an impertinence.

Thomas W Higginson

Grammar schools are public schools without the sodomy.

Tony Parsons
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