Libraries Quotes

Every child in American should have access to a well-stocked school library. An investment in libraries is an investment in our children's future.

Laura Welch Bush

Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.

Laura Welch Bush

This legislation gives parents some comfort that their children won't fall prey to child predators while using the Internet at schools and libraries that receive federal dollars for Internet services.

Judy Biggert

Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madames, greeting the punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs and then pimping their books.

Guy Browning

Fact is Our Lord knew all about the power of money: He gave capitalism a tiny niche in His scheme of things, He gave it a chance, He even provided a first installment of funds. Can you beat that? It's so magnificent. God despises nothing. After all, if the deal had come off, Judas would probably have endowed sanatoriums, hospitals, public libraries or laboratories.

Georges Bernanos

Meek young men grow up in libraries, believing it their duty to accept the views which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon, have given, forgetful that Cicero, Locke, and Bacon were only young men in libraries, when they wrote these books.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is nowhere in the world where sleep is so deep as in the libraries of the House of Commons.

Henry Channon

Human beings can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned.

Saul Bellow

We did have choruses before, just the libraries of music in people's heads are so undeveloped that their ideas of choruses are training wheels and the Bay City Rollers.

Cedric Bixler-Zavala
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