Life Quotes

Whoever abhors the name and fancies that he is godless when he addresses with his whole devoted being the Thou of his life that cannot be restricted by any other, he addresses God.

Martin Buber

In the ice of solitude man becomes most inexorably a question to himself, and just because the question pitilessly summons and draws into play his most secret life he becomes an experience to himself.

Martin Buber

How would man exist if God did not need him, and how would you exist? You need God in order to be, and God needs you for that is the meaning of your life.

Martin Buber

This crowded world of Space was perfectly real to him. How he had got to it I do not know. Perhaps his mind, dwelling constantly on the problem, had unsealed some atrophied cell and restored the old instinct. Anyhow, he was living his daily life with a foot in each world.

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir

I was a peaceful sedentary man, a lover of a quiet life, with no appetite for perils and commotions. But I was beginning to realise that I was very obstinate.

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir

A great storm destroys much that is precious, but it may also clear the air and blow down trees which might have been obscuring the view and making our life stuffy, and reveal in our estate possibilities of development that we had not thought of.

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

Jaques D'ambroise

I ask no more from mortals Than your beautiful face implies, The beauty the artist beholding Interprets and sanctifies. Who says that men have fallen, That life is wretched and rough? I say, the world is lovely, And that loveliness is enough. So my doubting days are ended, And the labour of life seems clear; And life hums deeply around me, Just like the murmur here, And quickens the sense of living, And shapes me for peace and storm, And dims my eyes with gladness When it glides into colour and form!

Robert Williams Buchanan

The truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it.

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

The Chinese novel was written primarily to amuse the common people. And when I say amuse I do not mean only to make them laugh, though laughter is also one of the aims of the Chinese novel. I mean amusement in the sense of absorbing and occupying the whole attention of the mind. I mean enlightening that mind by pictures of life and what that life means.

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

Only a personal experience of it, or a prolonged study of men who have passed into the new life, will enable us to realize what this actually is; but it has seemed to the present writer that to pass in review, even briefly and imperfectly, instances in which the condition in question has existed would be worth while.

Richard Maurice Bucke

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death

Patrick Henry

I spit on my life. Death in battle would be better for me than that I, defeated, survive.

Gautama Buddha

A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them

P. J. OíRourke

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.

Freeman Dyson

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