Light Quotes Quotes

A glimmer of light is better than no illumination at all.

Sir John James Cowperthwaite

There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.

John Constable

Order is the pleasure of the reason; but disorder is the delight of the imagination.

Paul Claudel

The art of politics is learning to walk with your back to the wall, your elbows high, and a smile on your face. It's a survival game played under the glare of lights.

Joseph Jacques Jean Chrtien

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.

Og Mandino

Nafai knew the rule: when a man acts like a child, he's boyish, and everyone's delighted; when a boy acts the same way, he's childish, and everyone tells him to be a man.

Orson Scott Card

Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade, just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself.

Truman Capote

For the game is everlasting only insofar as we keep returning to it for delights put into it by countless boys of all ages.

Sir Neville Cardus

Walk in Christ's light daily through fidelity to personal and liturgical prayer, nourished by meditation on the inspired word of God.. Make the daily celebration of the Eucharist the center of your life.

Pope Benedict XVI

What happens when bosses ignore memos from subordinates? The country is now learning the answer to that question in a most painful way. On July 10, 2001, an FBI agent in Phoenix [Arizona] wrote a memo raising serious concerns about Middle Eastern men attending U.S. flight schools. The memo never made its way up the chain of command, and no action was taken.

Richard Behar

The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keep friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.

Greenville Kleisser

A mothers happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.

Honor de Balzac

It is better to deny God, than to defy God. Sometimes our weakness is considered strength, and we take delight in borrowed greatness. To profess to be a lover of God and then to be dishonest to God, to the world and to himself, is unparalleled hypocrisy. Difficulties give us the opportunity to prove our greatness by overcoming them.

Meher Baba
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