Logic Quotes

Logic is neither an art nor a science but a dodge


Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic: she has her own, which we do not recognize and do not acknowledge until we are crushed under its wheel

Ivan Turgenev

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence

Joseph Wood Krutch

...mathematics is distinguished from all other sciences except only ethics, in standing in no need of ethics. Every other science, even logic, especially in its early stages, is in danger of evaporating into airy nothingness, degenerating, as the Germans say, into an arachnoid film, spun from the stuff that dreams are made of. There is no such danger for pure mathematics; for that is precisely what mathematics ought to be.

Charles Sanders Peirce

There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth.

Victor Borge

Religion is love; in no case is it logic

Beatrice Potter Webb

Prejudices are rarely overcome by argument; not being founded in reason they cannot be destroyed by logic.

Tryon Edwards

Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t - Damon

L.J. Smith

Since my logic aims to teach and instruct the understanding, not that it may with the slender tendrils of the mind snatch at and lay hold of abstract notions (as the common logic does), but that it may in very truth dissect nature, and discover the virtues and actions of bodies, with their laws as determined in matter; so that this science flows not merely from the nature of the mind, but also from the nature of things.

Francis Bacon

The logic now in use serves rather to fix and give stability to the errors which have their foundation in commonly received notions than to help the search for truth. So it does more harm than good.

Francis Bacon

The principles of logic and mathematics are true simply because we never allow them to be anything else. And the reason for this is that we cannot abandon them without contradicting ourselves, without sinning against the rules which govern the use of language, and so making our utterances self-stultifying. In other words, the truths of logic and mathematics are analytic propositions or tautologies.

Sir Alfred Jules Ayer

Logic is a poor model of cause and effect.

Gregory Bateson

There is, then, a logical priority about the arrangements, and logic has nothing to do with time.

Anthony Stafford Beer

We have become blind to the alternatives to violence. This involves us in a sort of official madness, in which, while following what seems to be a perfect logic of self-defense and detterence, we commit one absurdity after another: We seek to preserve peace by fighting a war, or to advance freedom by subsidizing dictatorships, or to "win the hearts and minds of the people" by poisoning their crops and burning their villages and confining them in concentration camps; we seek to uphold the "truth" of our cause with lies, or to answer conscientious dissent with threats and slurs and intimidations. I have come to the realization that I can no longer imagine a war that I would believe to be either useful or necessary. I would be against any war.

Wendell Berry
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