Lose Quotes

Neither a borrower nor a lender be; for loan doth oft lose both itself and friend.

William Shakespeare

Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose direction and begin to bend

Walter Savage Landor

The great challenge of adulthood is holding on to your idealism after you lose your innocence

Bruce Springsteen

The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.

James Baldwin

The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.

James Earl Jones

Make sure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night's sleep, and you can't settle anything until morning anyway.

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

In youth we feel richer for every new illusion; in maturer years, for every one we lose.

Madame Anne Sophie

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.


How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

What we gain by experience is not worth that we lose in illusion

Jean-Antoine Petit-Senn

Never lose sight of this important truth, that no one can be truly great until he has gained a knowledge of himself, a knowledge which can only be acquired by occasional retirement.

Johann Georg von Zimmermann

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

Helen Keller

Childhood is that wonderful time of life when all you need to do to lose weight is take a bath.

Richard Zera

The enemy is like a woman, weak in face of opposition, but correspondingly strong when not opposed. In a quarrel with a man, it is natural for a woman to lose heart and run away when he faces up to her; on the other hand, if the man begins to be afraid and to give ground, her rage, vindictiveness and fury overflow and know no limit.

St. Ignatius Loyola

Someone once said that every form of government has one characteristic peculiar to it and if that characteristic is lost, the government will fall. In a monarchy, it is affection and respect for the royal family. If that is lost the monarch is lost. In a dictatorship, it is fear. If the people stop fearing the dictator he'll lose power. In a representative government such as ours, it is virtue. If virtue goes, the government fails. Are we choosing paths that are politically expedient and morally questionable? Are we in truth losing our virtue? . . . If so, we may be nearer the dustbin of history than we realize.

Ronald Reagan
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