Mark Twain Quotes

Dissent is the mark of freedom.

Jacob Bronowski

Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined.

Napolon Bonaparte

Free elections, a free press, and and an independent judiciary mean little when the free market has reduced them to commodities available on sale to the highest bidder.

Arundhati Roy

Marks of Identity is, among other things, the expression of the process of alienation in a contemporary intellectual with respect to his own country.

Juan Goytisolo

Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression.

Bronson Alcott

The advance planning and sense stimuli employed to capture a $10 million cigarette or soap market are nothing compared to the brainwashing and propaganda blitzes used to ensure control of the largest cash market in the world: the Executive Branch of the United States Government.

Phyllis Schlafly

It is very necessary to have markers of beauty left in a world seemingly bent on making the most evil ugliness.

Thornton Wilder

A society that has made nostalgia a marketable commodity on the cultural exchange quickly repudiates the suggestion that life in the past was in any important way better than life today.

Christopher Lasch

Design is always about synthesis -synthesis of market needs, technology trends, and business needs.

Jim Wicks

The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intentions.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

A man who uses a great many words to express his meaning is like a bad marksman who, instead of aiming a single stone at an object, takes up a handful and throws at it in hopes he may hit.

Samuel Johnson

The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.

Richard David Bach

This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.

Former US President George W Bush

The Senate is a remarkable institution. It is unique. There is no other body, no other political body, no other democratic legislature in the world quite like the U.S. Senate.

Max Baucus

House and Senate Republicans are now united in adopting earmark bans. We hope President Obama will follow through on his support for an earmark ban by pressing Democratic leaders to join House and Senate Republicans in taking this critical step to restore public trust.

John Boehner
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