Obesity Quotes

The correlation between poverty and obesity can be traced to agricultural policies and subsidies.

Michael Pollan

Our moral theorists seem never content with the normal. Why must it always be a contest between fornication, obesity and laziness, and celibacy, fasting and hard labor?

Martin H. Fischer

For twenty years programming languages have been steadily progressing toward their present condition of obesity; as a result, the study and invention of programming languages has lost much of its excitement. Instead, it is now the province of those who prefer to work with thick compendia of details rather than wrestle with new ideas. Discussions about programming languages often resemble medieval debates about the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin instead of exciting contests between fundamentally differing concepts. Many creative computer scientists have retreated from inventing languages to inventing tools for describing them. Unfortunately, they have been largely content to apply their elegant new tools to studying the warts and moles of existing languages.

John Warner Backus

Obesity is a condition which proves that the Lord does not help those who help themselves and help themselves and help themselves.


Obesity is really widespread.

Joseph O. Kern II

Obesity is a mental state, a disease brought on by boredom and disappointment.

Cyril Connolly

The commonest form of malnutrition in the western world is obesity.

Mervyn Deitel

American children are the heaviest worldwide, and they are getting heavier at a faster rate than other children around the globe. This spread of obesity foreshadows an explosion in degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer waiting to erupt in our children's future. Together we can stop this tragedy from ever happening.

Joel Fuhrman

Obesity among young Americans is a serious problem that can have serious ramifications in the long run.

Virgina Foxx

More than ever, we as parents and a nation must do something about the growth of obesity in our children. We must do more than just talk, we must be concerned enough to act.

Lee Haney

Exercise is one of the best ways in preventing the rapid growth of obesity in America.

Lee Haney

Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating.

Bob Filner

Obesity is not gluttony.

George Blackburn

Obesity now contributes to the death of more than 360000 Americans a year. The incidence of childhood obesity is now at epidemic levels. Alarm bells are going off all over the place. But our government has done virtually nothing.

Tom Harkin

To say that obesity is caused by merely consuming too many calories is like saying that the only cause of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.

Adelle Davis
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