Peace Quotes

Never, "for the sake of peace and quiet," deny your own experience or convictions.

Dag Hammarskjld

War forgets peace. Peace forgives war. War is the death of the life human. Peace is the birth of the Life Divine. Our vital passions want war. Our psychic emotions desire peace.

Sri Chinmoy

When the power of love overcomes the love of power there will be peace.

Sri Chinmoy

There'll be bluebirds over The white cliffs of Dover Tomorrow Just you wait and see. There'll be love and laughter And peace ever after Tomorrow When the world is free.

Nat Burton

Now that the wars are coming to an end, I wish you to prosper in peace. May all mortals from now on live like one people in concord and for mutual advancement. Consider the world as your country, with laws common to all and where the best will govern irrespective of tribe. I do not distinguish among men, as the narrow-minded do, both among Greeks and Barbarians. I am not interested in the descendance of the citizens or their racial origins. I classify them using one criterion: their virtue. For me every virtuous foreigner is a Greek and every evil Greek worse than a Barbarian. If differences ever develop between you never have recourse to arms, but solve them peacefully. If necessary, I should be your arbitrator. You must not consider God like an autocratic despot, but as a common Father of all; so your behavior may resemble the life siblings have in a family. On my part I should consider all equals, white or blacks, and wish you all to be not only subjects of the Commonwealth, but participants and partners. As much as this depends on me, I should try to bring about what I promised. The oath we made over tonights libations hold onto as a Contract of Love.

Alexander III

For decades, the circle of liberty and security and development has been expanding in our world. This progress has brought unity to Europe, self-government to Latin America and Asia, and new hope to Africa. Now we have the historic chance to widen the circle even further, to fight radicalism and terror with justice and dignity, to achieve a true peace, founded on human freedom.

George Walker Bush

The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. God gives us the capacity for choice. We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes and we must.

James Earl Carter, Jr.

Life's hard. To be in peace with oneself, one must speak the truth. To be in peace with others, one must lie.

Adolfo Bioy Casares

May peace rule the universe; may peace rule in kingdoms and empires; may peace rule in states and in the lands of the potentates; may peace rule in the house of friends and may peace also rule in the house of enemies.

Barrister Virchand Gandhi

Peace at any price isn't peace; it's surrender.

Eric Ivan Cantor

To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.


The commonwealth of Venice in their armory have this inscription: "Happy is that city which in time of peace thinks of war."

Robert Burton

Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.

Robert J. Sawyer

Acquire inner peace and a multitude will find their salvation near you.

Catherine de Hueck Doherty

Until you make peace with who you are, youll never be content with what you have.

Joanna Field
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