Poverty Quotes

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.

Woody Allen

Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.

Kahlil Gibran

Poverty wants some things, Luxury many things, Avarice all things

Benjamin Franklin

Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit.

Eli Khamarov

The prevalent fear of poverty among the educated classes is the worst moral disease from which our civilization suffers

William James

Loves conquers all things except poverty and toothache.

Mae West

Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.

Benjamin Franklin

As society advances the standard of poverty rises.

Theodore Parker

Poverty is only contemptible when it is felt to be so. Doubtless the best way to make our poverty respectable is to seem never to feel it as an evil.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Wealth and poverty are seen for what they are. It begins to be seen that the poor are only they who feel poor, and poverty consists in feeling poor. The rich, as we reckon them, and among them the very rich, in a true scale would be found very indigent and ragged.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nor is there on earth a more powerful advocate for vice than poverty.

Oliver Goldsmith

Poverty, labor, and calamity are not without their luxuries, which the rich, the indolent, and the fortunate in vain seek for.

William Hazlitt

Poverty sits by the cradle of all our great men, and rocks them up to manhood; and this meager foster-mother remains their faithful companion throughout life.

Heinrich Heine

One solitary philosopher may be great, virtuous, and happy in the depth of poverty, but not a whole people.

Isaak Iselin

A man guilty of poverty easily believes himself suspected.

Samuel Johnson
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