Present Quotes

The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse.

Benjamin Franklin

Being the Avatar, I have come to awaken mankind, and would like the entire world to come to me. Real saints are dearest and nearest to my heart. Perfect Ones and lovers of God adorn the world, and will ever do so. The physical presence of the Perfect Masters throughout eternity is not necessarily confined to any particular or special part of the globe. My salutations to all the past, present and future Perfect Masters, real saints known and unknown lovers of God, and to all other beings, in all of whom I reside, whether consciously felt by them or not.

Meher Baba

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.


The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way.

Wayne Dyer

In time there is no present, In eternity no future, In eternity no past.

Lord Alfred Tennyson

God exists in eternity. The only point where eternity meets time is in the present. The present is the only time there is.

Marianne Williamson

We are a people trying not only to solve the problems of the present: unemployment, inflation... but we are attempting on a larger scale to fulfill the promise of America.

Barbara Jordan

History is the present. That's why every generation writes it anew. But what most people think of as history is its end product, myth.

E. L. Doctorow

The past is as powerless to darken the present moment as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it.

Guy Finley

Past mistakes cannot create a present pain; no mistake in life has the power to make us ache any more than the echo of someone crying can shed tears.

Guy Finley

We are, perhaps, uniquely among the earth's creatures, the worrying animal. We worry away our lives, fearing the future, discontent with the present, unable to take in the idea of dying, unable to sit still

Lewis Thomas

I have a present for you, but I need to borrow your arms for wrapping paper.


Do not be afraid of showing your affection. Be warm and tender, thoughtful and affectionate. Men are more helped by sympathy, than by service; love is more than money, and a kind word will give more pleasure than a present.

John Lubbock

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

Abraham Maslow

What we count the ills of life are often blessings in disguise, resulting in good to us in the end. Though for the present not joyous but grievous, yet, if received in a right spirit, they work out fruits of righteousness for us at last.

Matthew Henry
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