Promise Quotes

In the midst of great joy, do not promise anyone anything. In the midst of great anger, do not answer anyone's letter.

Chinese Proverb

Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.

Nikita Khrushchev

If you are cold at night, let the promise of my love cover you like a warm blanket.

Matthew White

Love is a promise delivered already broken.

Steve Martin

Better a broken promise than none at all.

Mark Twain

It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.

Eric Hoffer

Never promise a poor person, and never owe a rich one.

Brazilian Proverb

If you wish to be success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.

Napoleon I

The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.

Niccolò Machiavelli

I present a reconciliation initiative... whose essence is our commitment to stop operations against all (European) countries if they promise not to be aggressive towards Muslims or interfere in their affairs.

Osama Bin Laden

Life is a promise; fulfill it.

Mother Teresa

Parents are sometimes a bit of a disappointment to their children. They don't fulfill the promise of their early years.

Anthony Powell

How fast we learn in a day of sorrow! Scripture shines out in a new effulgence; every verse seems to contain a sunbeam, every promise stands out in illuminated splendor; things hard to be understood become in a moment plain.

H. Bonar

Impartial. Unable to perceive any promise of personal advantage from espousing either side of a controversy.

Ambrose Bierce
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