Rich Quotes

The poor object to being governed badly, while the rich object to being governed at all.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

In Washington, the first thing people tell you is what their job is. In Los Angeles you learn their star sign. In Houston you're told how rich they are. And in New York they tell you what their rent is.

Simon Hoggart

All affectation is the vain and ridiculous attempt of poverty to appear rich

Johann Kaspar Lavater

For truth is precious and divine, Too rich a pearl for carnal swine.

Samuel Butler

History will judge societies and governments and their institutions not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless.

Csar Estrada Chvez

Deceive the rich and powerful if you will, but don't insult them.

Japanese Proverb

My young men shall never work, men who work cannot dream; and wisdom comes to us in dreams. You ask me to plow the ground. Shall I take a knife and tear my mothers breast? Then when I die she will not take me to her bosom to rest. You ask me to dig for stone. Shall I dig under her skin for her bones? Then when I die I cannot enter her body to be born again. You ask me to cut grass and make hay and sell it and be rich like white men. But how dare I cut off my mother's hair.


Rich people focus on what they want, while poor people focus on what they don’t want.

T. Harv Eker

I have loved flowers that fade, Within whose magic tents Rich hues have marriage made With sweet unmemoried scents: A honeymoon delight, A joy of love at sight, That ages in an hour My song be like a flower!

Robert Seymour Bridges

It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits.

Charles A. Jaffe

Extravagance is the rich man's pitfall.

Martin Farquhar Tupper

Wheels of fire, cosmic, rich, full-bodied honest victories over desperation

Thomas Merton

Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

When religion and royalty are destroyed the people will attack the nobles; after the nobles, the rich.

Honor de Balzac

Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends.


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