Subject Quotes

Success, which is not always a proof of merit, depends more often on the choice of a subject than on its execution.

Pierre Ambroise Franois Choderlos de Laclos

The truth is, when all is said and done, one does not teach a subject, one teaches a student how to learn it.

Jacques Barzun

Music has no subject beyond the combinations of notes we hear, for music speaks not only by means of sounds, it speaks nothing but sound.

Eduard Hanslick

Everything that makes diversity of kinds, of species, differences, properties everything that consists in generation, decay, alteration and change is not an entity, but a condition and circumstance of entity and being, which is one, infinite, immobile, subject, matter, life, death, truth, lies, good and evil.

Giordano Bruno

There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Wait for those unguarded moments. Relax the mood and, like the child dropping off to sleep, the subject often reveals his truest self.

Barbara Walters

There is no person so severely punished, as those who subject themselves to the whip of their own remorse.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is better to be subject to the Laws under one Master, than to be subservient to many.

Catherine II of Russia; Catherine the Great

They have only three tactics: S.I.N. They shift the subject, they ignore the facts, and they name-call. Am I right? That's all they do.

Herman Cain

Like integrity, love of life was not a subject to be studied, it was a contagion to be caught. And you had to catch it from someone who had it.

Lois McMaster Bujold

I have retired to Nemours to work upon a novel called The Age for Love, and it is on this subject that I wished to consult you, my dear master.

Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

Is it not good to know what follows from what, even if it is not necessarily FAPP? [FAPP is Bell's suggested abbreviation of "for all practical purposes."] Suppose for example that quantum mechanics were found to resist precise formulation. Suppose that when formulation beyond FAPP was attempted, we find an unmovable finger obstinately pointing outside the subject, to the mind of the observor, to the Hindu scriptures, to God, or even only Gravitation? Would that not be very, very interesting?

John Stewart Bell

If they are ignorant, they are despised, if learned, mocked. In love they are reduced to the status of courtesans. As wives they are treated more as servants than as companions. Men do not love them: they make use of them, they exploit them, and expect, in that way, to make them subject to the law of fidelity.

George Sand

Justice also has four aspects depth of understanding, profoundeness of knowledge, fairness of judgement and dearness of mind; because whoever tries his best to under- stand a problem will have to study it, whoever has the practice of studying the subject he is to deal with, will develop a clear mind and will always come to correct decisions, whoever tries to achieve all this will have to develop ample patience and forbearance and whoever has done this has done justice to the cause of religion and has led a life of good repute and fame.

Ali bin Abu-Talib

Failure in any given subject is the first qualification towards becoming a teacher.

David Baboulene
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