Systems Quotes

All good song-writers have no more than half a dozen good tunes in their systems, and if they have that many, they are liberally blessed.

Irving Berlin

For years, Sri Lanka was viewed as a model developing nations. It gained independence peacefully and sustained one of the feew authentically competitive democratic systems in the Global south.

John Richardson

Rich and successful people are solution-oriented; they spend their time and energy strategizing and planning the answers to challenges that come up, and creating systems to make certain that problem doesnít occur again

T. Harv Eker

We have to shift our emphasis from economic efficiency and materialism towards a sustainable quality of life and to healing of our society, of our people and our ecological systems.

Janet Holmes

Witchcraft, like any science or philosophical system, must be approached from a liberal point of view. When looked at objectively, we see that Witchcraft is just another theoretical body of knowledge. It is a process, not a person. Therefore it is neutral, incapable of being either good or evil. Like all belief systems, Witchcraft is only as good or evil as the people using it.


More and more banks are installing credit-card fraud-protection systems and those systems are getting increasingly sensitive.

Alan Brill

Capitalism is our only moral system. All other systems take advantage of man's rights and liberties.

Ayn Rand

A Californian who I had recently the pleasure of meeting observed that if the philosophers had lived among your mountains, their systems would have been different from what they are. Certainly very different from what those systems are which the European genteel tradition has handed down since Socrates; for these systems are egotistical; directly or indirectly they are anthropocentric, and inspired by the conceited notion the man, or human reason, or the human distinction between good and evil, is the center and pivot of the universe. That is what the mountains and the woods should make you at last ashamed to assert.

George Santayana

The spread of markets outpaces the ability of societies and their political systems to adjust to them, let alone to guide the course they take.

Kofi Annan

Lastly, there are Idols which have immigrated into men's minds from the various dogmas of philosophies, and also from wrong laws of demonstration. These I call Idols of the Theater, because in my judgment all the received systems are but so many stage plays, representing worlds of their own creation after an unreal and scenic fashion.

Francis Bacon

Town-scapes are changing. The open-plan city belongs in the past no more ramblas, no more pedestrian precincts, no more left banks and Latin quarters. We're moving into the age of security grilles and defensible space. As for living, our surveillance cameras can do that for us. People are locking their doors and switching off their nervous systems.

James Graham Ballard

We are not pursuing research to develop ABM space systems. There are studies to improve systems of warning against a missile attack, communications and navigation systems and to develop ground-based ABM defences.

Sergei Akhromeyev

Moving to the forefront of advanced nations is not a choice but a national duty. This requires, among other things, erecting the best industrial property protection systems despite all challenges, particularly in the transition phase that we must endure.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

As the number of unexplained, irreducibly complex biological systems increases, our confidence that Darwins criterion of failure has been met skyrockets toward the maximum that science allows.

Michael J. Behe

The basic tenet of black consciousness is that the black man must reject all value systems that seek to make him a foreigner in the country of his birth and reduce his basic human dignity.

Stephen Bantu Biko
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