Talk Quotes

The end comes when we no longer talk with ourselves. It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of the final loneliness.

Edward Gibbon

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.

Diana Robinson

It takes great passion and great energy to do anything creative, especially in the theater. You have to care so much that you can't sleep, you can't eat, you can't talk to people. It's just got to be right. You can't do it without that passion.

Agnes George DeMille

Let those that merely talk and never think, That live in the wild anarchy of drink

Ben Jonson

People who talk much say nothing.


Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.

Heinrich Heine

To listen well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well

John Marshall

Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk without loss of esteem.

Elizabeth Bowen

Fatigue makes women talk more and men less.

C Lewis

We hear about constitutional rights, free speech and the free press. Every time I hear those words I say to myself, That man is a Red, that man is a Communist. You never heard a real American talk in that manner.

Hague, Frank

A little tough talk in the midst of a campaign or as part of a presidential debate cannot obscure a record of 30 years of being on the wrong side of defense issues.

Dick Cheney

Whenever I talk about beating Steve Davis in that final I still feel the excitement of potting that final ball.

Dennis Taylor

If you want to "get in touch with your feelings," fine, talk to yourself. We all do. But if you want to communicate with another thinking human being, get in touch with your thoughts.

William Safire

If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance.

Bern Williams

Quality isn't something that can be argued into an article or promised into it. It must be put there. If it isn't put there, the finest sales talk in the world won't act as a substitute.

C. G. Campbell
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