Thing Quotes

All illusion comes and goes, but the soul remains unchanged. What is meant by God-realization is to actually experience this important thing that the soul is eternal.

Meher Baba

To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.

Malcolm X

One of the most important things one can do in life is to brutally question every single thing you are taught.

Bryant McGill

The most useful thing about a principle is that it can always be sacrificed to expediency.

W. Somerset Maugham

I waited day and night for the voice of God within me, to know what He had to say to me, to learn what I had to do. In this seclusion the earliest realisation, the first lesson came to me. I remembered then that a month or more before my arrest, a call had come to me to put aside all activity, to go in seclusion and to look into myself, so that I might enter into closer communion with Him. I was weak and could not accept the call. My work was very dear to me and in the pride of my heart I thought that unless I was there, it would suffer or even fail and cease; therefore I would not leave it. It seemed to me that He spoke to me again and said, "The bonds you had not the strength to break, I have broken for you, because it is not my will nor was it ever my intention that that should continue. I have had another thing for you to do and it is for that I have brought you here, to teach you what you could not learn for yourself and to train you for my work." Then He placed the Gita in my hands. His strength entered into me and I was able to do the sadhana of the Gita. I was not only to understand intellectually but to realise what Sri Krishna demanded of Arjuna and what He demands of those who aspire to do His work, to be free from repulsion and desire, to do work for Him without the demand for fruit, to renounce self-will and become a passive and faithful instrument in His hands, to have an equal heart for high and low, friend and opponent, success and failure, yet not to do His work negligently. I realised what the Hindu religion meant. We speak often of the Hindu religion, of the Sanatan Dharma, but few of us really know what that religion is. Other religions are preponderatingly religions of faith and profession, but the Sanatan Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has not so much to be believed as lived. This is the Dharma that for the salvation of humanity was cherished in the seclusion of this peninsula from of old. It is to give this religion that India is rising. She does not rise as other countries do, for self or when she is strong, to trample on the weak. She is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. India has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great.

Sri Aurobindo

You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable, if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.

Doctor Who

I don't... like... girls... whining... and complaining... about... wanting a man! I never liked Sex and the City, the kind of thing where women only feel empowered once they find the Man. It is just not up my alley. I don't believe in it. There is nothing you can control about love. Somebody once said, Everything you want in the world is just right outside your comfort zone. Everything you could possibly want!

Jennifer Joanna Aniston

Usefulness! It is not a fascinating word, and the quality is not one of which the aspiring spirit can dream o' nights, yet on the stage it is the first thing to aim at

Ellen Terry

If thy hope be any thing worth, it will purify thee from thy sins.

Joseph Alleine

Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it.

Ali bin Abu-Talib

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

Albom, Mitch

Your voice will come. We all go through the same thing. You cannot talk when you first arrive." He smiled. "It helps you listen.

Albom, Mitch

Without Freedom of thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of speech

Benjamin Franklin

We are all electric creatures floating in the electric sea of this electric universe. Every electric thing in the entire universe breathes electrically into itself from the rest of the electric universe which is outside of itself. It also breathes out of itself into the rest of the universe.

Walter Russell

The most painful thing to experience is not defeat but regret.

Leo Bascaglia
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