Time Quotes

We have for the past year and undoubtedly will be for the next year, dealing with an electorate that is more alienated and more cynical than at any point in modern time.

Robert Teeter

Evening is a time of real experimentation. You never want to look the same way.

Donna Karan

I realized that my life was to be one of simple, childlike faith, and that my part was to trust, not to do. I was to trust in Him and He would work in me to do His good pleasure. From that time my life was different.

C.T. Studd

As long as there are millions destitute of the Word of God and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, it will be impossible for me to devote my time and energy to those who have both.

J.L. Ewen

The gospel is only good news if it reaches the lost in time.


Man lives by habits indeed, but what he lives for is thrill and excitements. ... From time immemorial war has been ... the supremely thrilling excitement.

William James

Grammar is not a time of waste.

Nancy Cartwright

Good grammar develops over time, so relax and put down the red pen. Kids need to make mistakes in writing to move toward correctness. They freeze up if they think you'll pounce on every error. You want your daughters to keep writing, since this is the best way for them to develop strong usage skills.

Jeff Anderson

Manners require time, as nothing is more vulgar than haste.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

By the time I became chairman and there was more of a feeling of urgency, there was a willingness to accept more forceful measures to try to deal with the inflation.

Paul A. Volcker

Birth and death are events in time and space.... there is nothing but Life.

Betty Kovacs

Time is money, so I went and bought a rolex.

Wiz Khalifa

I was very lucky to come through at the time I did, with the growing interest and demand for animation and animators - it requires a great deal of patience and a good eye for detail.

Annette Funicello

Two things are going on at the same time with the flattening of the world: The relentless quest for efficiency is squeezing some of the fat out of life.

Thomas Friedman

I the heir of all the ages, in the foremost files of time.

Alfred Lord Tennyson
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