Turning 50 Quotes

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.

T.S. Eliot

"Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits."

Cindy Ross

The art of meditation may be exercised at all hours, and in all places; and men of genius, in their walks, at table, and amidst assemblies, turning the eye of the mind inwards, can form an artificial solitude; retired amidst a crowd, calm amidst distraction, and wise amidst folly.

Isaac D'Israeli

Rain is a blessing when it falls gently on parched fields, turning the earth green, causing the birds to sing

Donald Worster

It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration, and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the general government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the 4th resolution

James Madison

There isnt an executioner who isnt scared of turning victim one day, nor is there the sorriest victim who would not acknowledge (if only to himself) a mental ability to become an executioner.

Iosip Aleksandrovich Brodsky

With schools turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word "intellectual," of course, became the swear word it deserved to be.

Ray Douglas Bradbury

Wheels keep on turning and turning and turning And nothing's disturbing the way they go around.

Edie Brickell

Well, it's all over, sweethearts. I'm taking away your library card, I'm stripping badges and I'm not returning phone calls. Calling NOW feminists is like calling the People's Republic of China communist: Marx and Emma Goldman are both rolling in their graves.


The federal tax system is turning individuals into sharecroppers of their own lives.

James Bovard

That's the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball

Bill Veeck

Negativity is an addiction to the bleak shadow that lingers around every human form ... you can transfigure negativity by turning it toward the light of your soul.

John O'Donohue

The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it

Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral; returning violence with violence only multiplies voilence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.

Martin Luther King Jr

There is probably no more obnoxious class of citizen, taken end for end, than the returning vacationist.

Robert Benchley
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